2019-08-28 04:59 AM
The processor has three CAN ports and is the main reason I would want to use the discovery kit. Is there a different one available that uses the STM32F413ZHx processor I should be trying to use?
2019-08-28 06:06 AM
I'm not affiliated with ST, so I can only guess.
But having looked for a cheaper Cortex M eval board with CAN interface recently, I suppose the following:
I ended up with a Keil MCB1700 board (with NXPs LPC1768). Downloading their "legacy" lib for that MCU, it took me about one hour to get a CAN example up and running on my own CAN bus.
Alternatively, you can just add a self-made (veroboards) or bought transceiver, but Cube-based CAN examples proved to be a royal pain in the *utt. I tried that, too.