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Forum Posts

FOC SDK Private Libraries

I see that some libraries from the SDK (Like the PLL State Observer) are delivered as precompiled objects for each of the supported IDE's. Is it possible to obtain the source code of these libraries in order to use them in our project's IDE? (Since w...

kswarm by Associate II
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Resolved! Why cant debug the nucleo board

Hi, I am learning how to use Uart and created a simple example project where I sent 'hello world'. i then use RealTerm to view this message. i have generated this project using CubeMX and it works however i flashed the board once and after that i can...

MikeP by Senior
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STM32F769i board novice question

Hi Community,I try to develop my first test app for the STM32F69i board. I got STM32CubeIDE environment working, generated project with all the default settings for this board. According to STM32F769i docs user LED1 and 2 are hooked up to port J, pin...

TDJ by Lead
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ADC3 on STM303F3xx not working (PB0, PB1).

I have an old project already using PA 0,1,2,3,5,7 and PC 1,2,3 as analogue inputs, all on ADC 1 and 2. Due the nature of the project I read some of them in a interrupt timer, and some on demand,when a UART command kicks in. I had to add 3 more ADC's...

Marius CO by Associate III
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Resolved! Help configuring STM32H7 timer

On the Nucleo-H743ZI board, I'm trying to configure TIM3 with a 10 us period. With the internal clock source at 200MHz, I would expect these parameters to create a 10 us TIM3 interrupt:htim3.Instance = TIM3; htim3.Init.Prescaler = 200; htim3.Init...

edwin8 by Associate II
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How to use QSPI as Single SPI mode?

I am using STM32F779BI for my custom board. I am using TFT LCD Display connected to QSPI, but I want to use QSPI in single SPI Mode. Like simple SPI ( CLK, MOSI, MISO).How to initialize QSPI in Single SPI Mode?

Resolved! STM32F446 FMC SDRAM and linker script

Dear,For the first time, i use an external SDRAM with the FMC peripheral of the STM32F446.I succeeded to describe a in the linker script to place specific data in this section.BUT this section is present in the output file (.hex) when I build my code...

YDann.7 by Associate III
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STM32F7, 32-bit timer from 2x 16 bit timers on APB2

Hi,I need a faster 32-bit timer (TIM2 and TIM5 which are 32-bits are on 108MHz AHB1). So idea is to chain 2x 16 bit timers on APB2, choose TIM1 and TIM8. But I just can't configure it to work as it should using CubeMX. I'm also not sure how to adjust...

MBo�?.7 by Associate II
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STM32L052C8 I2C Communication issue

We are interface AT24C512 EEPROM with STM32L052C8 but there are problem facing in i2c communication. we are using STMCubeMx for generate i2c, STM32L052C8 as Master and AT24C512 EEPROM as a Slave.we are calling I2c Function HAL_I2C_Mem_Wr...

DTimb by Associate
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Interrupt RX isn't called on STM32F413ZH Nucleo board

What is wrong with the following code that the RX Interrupt isn't called. On the osziloscope I see Send and Receive correctly.HAL_Init();__HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE();__HAL_RCC_USART6_CLK_ENABLE();#define CONSOLE_TXD_PIN LL_GPIO_PIN_11/* Configure T...

MKubi by Associate
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