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Forum Posts

STM32f429I SPI and USART1

I am currently using STM32f429I. I want to check the value read using SPI by connecting UART. However, when checking the manual (DS9405, 38P), it is indicated that other UART(USART1,2,3,6) can not be used except for UART4, 5, 7, 8 when using SPI as m...

CPark.3 by Associate
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Why I can't login at

I wanna download new develpment tools, cubeMX and cube IDE, from and evaluate them, but I found that I can't download them and even login at the web. I'v tried turn on proxy and turn off it on both win10 and mac.

Rock Deng by Associate III
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CAN BUS and stuff bits

Hello,I'm using a ST32F466 trying to connect a personal board to a PEAK analizer.The code is generated in part by MS32Cube, and in part by me on TrueStudio 9.2 using HAL libraries.After setting the CAN1, (HAL_CAN_MspInit()), I have configured the CAN...

Timer Call back question ?

Dear Members,I have a callback :void Timer10_Callback() { seconds += 1;   if (seconds == 30) { minute = 1; seconds = 0; rpm=count; rps=(float)rpm/30; count=0; } }and main() inside while()current_rps = rps; i...

Activate LPUART1 on STM32L4 only when required

Hello, Please suggest a Software solution where I can power on the entire LPUART1 peripheral on STM32L4 only when I want. Any data received on the UART lines before I power on the LPUART1 must in no way be accessible to the MCU Hello,  I have an issu...

Grang by Associate
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STM32L073 adc polling async clock ?

hello, i am using the STM32L073 for adc reading. And want to use the async clocks for the dc voltage reading. so i dont need a high speed clock.The problem is when i tested the async clocks on adc , the measurement time was sometimes(30~40%) differen...

stress by Associate
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