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Forum Posts

MCU selection with camera and wifi interface

Hi all,I'm currently looking for a low-power-consumption MCU which integrates camera and wifi interface. It would be better if the MCU gets the wifi module inside. Could you give me somesuggestions?Thanks in advance!Br,Mark

ZXion by Associate
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Confusion about ADC calibration

In documents and lots of online sources there is a formula as follows(attached below),But I cannot get why CAL value is in the numerator and RAW data is in the denominator. I have this logic in my mind,In the factory, producers used a preknown/fixed ...

YAkse by Associate III
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How to use the CMSIS-Library in STM32F756ZGT6 for FFT?

Hi,i am a new user and bought the STM32F756ZGT6 Nucleo-144 board for the university.I tried to use the CMSIS-Function to do a real Fast Fourier Transformation on 1024 samples values. I created a new Project using dma for fast sampling. When I add the...

CChek by Associate
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Resolved! Strange behavior GPIOD

HiI am using the STM32G070CB in a new product.I have the GPIOD0 and 1 connected to be digital inputs (they are to be connected to open-colector device), as such i have enabled the internal pull-ups in the GPIO configuration.The strange thing, is that...


STM32F7 MQTT implementation

Hi everybody,actually i'm working on a project involving a STM32F7 MCU and a modem Telit 4G/LTE connected via UART. I have to implement MQTT protocol, for which i choosed PAHO (highly used and suggested). Do you suggest working on bare metal or RTOS...

AGaru by Associate III
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why i get the VDDA value from VREFINT is wrong ?

I use MCU STM32L073, set VDDA=VREF+=3.29V, VSSA=VREF-=GND=0V.I read Vrefint_cal for (0x1FF80078), get the value of Vrefint_cal = 0x680get Vrefint_data from ADC_CHANNEL_17, get this value is Vrefint_data =0xbb7 the code is here:///////////////////////...

lxiju by Associate II
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