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STM32L151VCT6A programing

i had used STM32L151VCT6A MCU for a project i have already programmed by using st-link and tested its peripherals due to some issue on display i tried to reprogram it is not allowing to read or write it is showing an error as below attached, th...

Dgowd by Associate
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Hi, I have an STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node (B-L475E-IOT01A) and need to update the WiFi firmware. The firmware download relies on ST-LINK_CLI.exe and STMFlashLoader.exe so is windows only, does anyone know of a way to update the WiFi firmware on Linux?

Firmware download location: as per uploader batch file for Windows in the download:@echo offset _ping_cmd=wmic path Win32_SerialPortfor /f "tokens=8" %%i in ('%_ping_cmd% ^| findstr /I /C:"STMicroelectron...

JDiam by Associate
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how to interface adxl345 in stm32?

Im currently working on stm32f103r8. Now i need to interface the adx345 through SPI in stm32 also i coded for this,issue im getting here is when the simulation is running the SS is not getting low it is always in high state.please notify my mistakes...

Sm.16 by Associate II
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I2C and FIFO STM32L152 ?

Dear Members,I try to translate this paragraph in datasheet :FIFO DataThe circular FIFO depth is 16 and can hold up to 16 samples of SpO2 channel data (Red and IR). The FIFO_DATA register in the I2C register map points to the next sample to be read f...