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Resolved! How to flashSTM32F3 via UART1

Im new, hope this isnt dumb question. I have an erased STM32F303 and want to upload my code via UART1. I I have an FTDI USB to serial converter. I set BOOT0 pin=H and have the "Demonstrator" program for Windows working. Since the MCU is blank, how d...

Trich by Associate
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Why the MCU hangs?

Dear friends,I am using STM32F107RCt6 MCU and I am running a TCP server on it using LwIP and freeRTOS.The total heap size of freeRTOS is 10KB and there are two tasks which each task has 256 wods stack. One task is used for Modbus TCP server and the o...

Mujtaba by Senior
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ST32F767 Attempt to perform an unaligned access.

Hello Community,I'm working on a Nucleo-F767ZI board and from yesterday I had this error from Atollic True Studi: Attempt to perform an unaligned access (UNALIGNED).I followed the instruction reported here.The enable of Memory Protection Unit does no...

Resolved! error when changing the UART parameter

error description:I wrote a function to change the UART parameter! After using this function, the UART parameter worked as installed but when the data was sent, the UART interrupt function changed a global variable of I am back to 0!Everyone can see ...

Which MCU for time critical GPIO application?

Hi!We have an application which runs on PIC24H, we would like to port it to another MCU. Application is extremely time critical, meaning that we need extremely deterministic code behaviour. In short, there are pulses which are obtained via special ha...

MBo�?.7 by Associate II
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STM32F091VCT6 Exit from standby is not working.

We have used PE6 GPIO for STM32 standby entry and PE6 is configured as initially as EXTI input mode in pull-down configuration. When there is high to low transition on PE6 STM32 jumps to standby mode. We are also using the same GPIO for coming out fo...

BKath by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F427 SPI4 I2S - Spi Registers not accepting Writes

First time using a STM32F4 for I2S.I don't use your libraries as I want to understand the cpu at the register level.I set up the I2S PLL and enable the I2S clock.When I start to write to the SPI4 registers, they are not accepting the data. I have fo...

Joe.H by Senior
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