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Firmware for App Note AN3322

Hi,I was wondering if someone can point me to a link where I can download the firmware detailed in the application Note: AN3322Watt-hour meter based on the STM32F101 microcontrollerThanks in advance.

IVini by Associate
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EXTI registers

Hi,I try to write a interrupt function with registers on the stm32h743zi referans manual ,but keil doesn't recognize some registers for exp ,EXTI->CPUPR1 =(1<<13); SYSCFG->EXTICR4= (1<<5);stm32cubeh7 MCU package V1.5

Bilge by Associate III
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I download STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.15.0 package from ST site. but can't pass "link" stage while using Keil V5.06. But I have V1.7 package, it can work, why?

*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 (build 20)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'Build target 'STM32F7-DISCO'compiling usbh_ctlreq.c...compiling syscall.c...compiling unicode.c...assembling startup_stm32f746xx.s...compiling games_win.c...linking....\STM32F7-...

HPOJE by Associate
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DAC peripheral on STM32F407

I am working with STM32F407VG microcontroller (STM32F4 discovery board). When using the DAC peripheral for an application I was verifying the minimum and maximum voltage that can be generated from the DAC pin by providing values of 0 and 4095. Howeve...

gowtham K by Associate II
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Error in UART Reception

We are using STM32F401RE for our people counting project. We need to receive a value using UART reception and tried several methods. For transmitting we are using printf() function, for reception we have tried with HAL_UART_Receive() api but it didn'...

SKris.13 by Associate
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How to control on board ADC with SPI bus (STM32F051)

I connected a particle photon micro controller to STM32F0 discovery board using SPI bus. The photon acts as the master and STM32 acts as the slave. I understand how to code on the STM32 directly though IDE to use ADC but how to do this by sending da...

PNood by Associate
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