2019-10-31 7:52 PM
Accessing an I2C device from the MCU may cause an I2C access error.
It looks like the last bit of data is missing from the MCU.
As a result, access that prevents the device from returning an ACK stops halfway.
Attached image "I2C_OK_NG.png"
Write 0x85 to subaddress 0x01 of device address 0x3E.
Read from sub address 0x01 of device address 0x3E.
Upper row: OK timing
Lower row: NG timing <-read error
It occurs for both reading and writing.
HAL_StatusTypeDef l_eResult = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, in_ucSlaveAddress, l_pucData, (in_ulSize + 1), TIME_TIMEOUT_I2C);
HAL_StatusTypeDef l_eResult = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, in_ucSlaveAddress, in_ucSubAddress, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, out_pucData, in_ulSize, TIME_TIMEOUT_I2C);
Please tell me if there is a measure or a place you can check.