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Forum Posts

STM32L05 + backup registers in standby mode

Hi,I am triying to use the standby mode and save some data into EEPROM memory, but when i start the erase eeprom process before to save data, my program is blocked. I think that my code have a 89% of flash size and eeprom area have a program code.I n...

SMila by Associate
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Debugging STM32L4 and watch windows update

Good afternoon,I have developed my application based on STM32L4 family. Application is working fine on my custom board but I have a doubt when debugging the board usign ULINK2 tool with Keil: when I debug the board, and I have a look to 'Watch' windo...

QSPI loader with TrueStudio

There seems to be a problem when trying to program an external flash chip via TrueStudio.I have created an external loader to program a QSPI chip that is connected to an STM32F469II.My loader is working via the "STM32 ST-LINK Utility", "STM32CubeProg...

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Problems with I2C: HAL_I2C_ERROR_AF

Hello, I'm using the STM32L451VC microcontroller to perform a communication through I2C protocol to a programmable resistor (AD5272). It is working well when I do a NRST to the microcontroller, but when I start the program from the batteries (without...

Luis Ber by Associate II
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How to read low-frequency PWM signals?

Hi all,I'm new with the PWM business, so, I'm referring the sample code (TIM_PWM_Input) provided in STM32F2XX stranded peripheral library . In the readme.txt file it is mentioned that we can measure minimum 915Hz frequency. But in my application, I w...

I'm new user running a STM32F767ZI Nucleo board. I need to build very simple application that copied array[2] to GPIO Pin (PC6) by DMA in "memory to peripheral" mode.

I'm new user running a STM32F767ZI Nucleo board.I need to build very simple application that copied array[2] to GPIO Pin (PC6) by DMA in "memory to peripheral" mode.I interested to activate DMA in two modes:a) Don't use timer (memory to GPIO by DMA p...

APasi by Associate II
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Unable to flash the firmware (DFU file) in to my STM32-target-board uC using DfuSe demo application if existing (or already loaded) firmware in to my target-board uC is read-protected.

I am using the DfuSe demo application version 3.0.6Image-1 DfuSe demo applicationI have observed that if existing firmware (Already loaded firmware before reprogramming) in my STM32 uC based custom target-board is not read-protected then I can be abl...

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Strange behavior writing to external SRAM

I have a STM32H753 with 16MByte, 32bit SDRAM​ and a Wiznet W5300 in 16bit mode (acts as SRAM Bank 1, SRAM_BANK_ADDR = 0x60000000).So, if I read a Memory cell:uint16_t aw = *(volatile uint16_t*)(SRAM_BANK_ADDR);all is ok. With a scope on NE1, NOE, NW...

virtex by Associate
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NUCLEO-G474RE: Supporting boards?

I would like to drive a BLDC Motor with the new NUCLEO-G474RE (or other G4 boards).The Motor is powered by a supply voltage of 24-48V and a current of max. 15A.Is it possible to use the "X-Nucleo-IHM08M1" as power block?There is no Information about ...

BSieg by Associate
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