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Hi,When HAL_Uart_errorhandler is triggered, how can we check if the trigger is for reception or transmission?
Hi,I am using STM32H753ZI nucleo board, developing with Keil IDE. I am using UART RX and TX DMA. I want to check if there is a possibility of corruption of UART data while transmitting with DMA Tx.The sending device will send 8-byte defined command t...
I am using UART Receive DMA in circular mode. I am expecting 8 bytes of data to be received on the UART from another device. Hence, I am using "HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&UartHandle, (uint8_t *)aRxBuffer, 8)". The problem is when a burst of more than 8 by...
I am using STM32H753ZI for my project. My use case is I want to detect brown out reset after brownout occurs and system restarts.I am checking brownout reset flag using if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_BORRST). My query is this flag is shared/common b...
Hi,I am using STM32F779NI and CMSIS RTOS2 for my project. Software was working well till I added code for low power mode with RTOS tick-less operation as per the link
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