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Truoble with i2c using nucleo-g071rb

Hello, I am new to the whole stm32 environment. I've always used arduino in the past and I wanted to try something new for this project.I am having a really hard time setting up an i2c connection between a nucleo board (MASTER) and an arduino(SLAVE)....

MMocc by Associate
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Is it possible to monitor the file copy status by the program in MSC mode? Like file copy from SD card is in progress, file copy completed etc? If yes, what is the method?

I am using stm32 L4 family microcontroller. I enabled MSC mode to copy files from SD card mounted to device to PC. But I want to know how can I monitor the status from my code running in MCU? My program should check whether file copy in progress, com...

VKuma.13 by Associate
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SPI recieve over DMA works only once in stm32f103 on HAL

Hello. I'm trying to receive data from W25Q128 via SPI. It works good, but too slow, if I don't use DMA. If I'm using DMA, it works faster, but only once, second query doesn't return data.I'm reading flash in main loop once in second this way, when d...

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Vthe by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 controller -0.4V to 3.6V ADC converter

Hello,for an upcoming project I am searching for a low-power microcontroller with a rich peripheral set and the possibility to sample low frequency signals in the range from -0.4V to 3.6V .As far as I have looked it up I will have no chance realising...

Has anybody tried using CubeMx v5.0.1, Windows 10, STM32 embedded target for MATLAB® and Simulink® release 4.4.2 and Matlab 2016b in their code generation examples?

I have tried using the examples to generate the code , but it seems it does not create an MDK-ARM project. I only see the Matlab generated files but no MDK-ARM project which I can flash directly to the device.I was previously using Matlab 2015b, Wind...

jessica by Associate II
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SPI slave mode. Getting Started.

I'm in the early stages of a project involving SPI. I need to send data to an stm32f303, from an rPi.I also need to detect, from the rPi, a GPIO based interrupt to then go read from the stm32.rPi is master, stm32 is slave.Can anyone recommend a helpf...

d4 by Associate III
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Resolved! Non-blocking SDIO SD Access - SDIO Timeout

I've been working on making my SD SDIO card access non blocking. My implementation is a derivative from the standard ST SDIO SD driver (stm324xg_eval_sdio_sd).I'm using Protothreads (basically a state machine) to make the SD SDIO calls non-blocking a...

bluscape by Associate III
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