Hi I am trying to install STM32CubeProgrammer on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. It apparently installs OK and places an icon on the desktop. When I start the app., a dialog with "You are using OpenJDK, please Install OpenJFX Debian: sudo apt-get install openjfx...
In my application i desire to use the STOP2 Mode in a certain condition to save power. Currently i want to implement a wakeup through a "HIGH" on Wakeup Pin 2 of the MCU. Later i want to implement also a periodic wakeup per RTC. But for now, i want o...
Dear Sir,I used the STM32L052R8 CPU with 32MHz to try to generate a "1KHz sawtooth waveform with amplitude changeable from 1.5V to 3.0V" with 『HAL_DACEx_TriangleWaveGenerate(&hdac, DAC_CHANNEL_1, DAC_TRIANGLEAMPLITUDE_4095);�? function. But it fail. ...
In the help document concerning .extSettings file the information is unclear.As I read it the Groups section is supposed to create/add directories and files.It does not. I have generated the project for SystemWorkbench and EWarm. I downloaded a test ...
Hello,I've configured the stm32h743 to write on a paticular adress without incrementing it and was also successful in it.The problem is no matter how many times i call HAL_SRAM_Read_DMA(...) it will not start a new transfer. In the trainings Manual t...
Hello guys,I've been trying to enter the Standby Mode using the Exemples from st and i got it work. But in Standby i'm still around 6mA. This is much more than the expected 5 µA! Maybe someone knows what may cause this Behaviour?thank you for your he...
My timer config: RCC_APB1ENR = RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN; TIM3_CR1 = (uint32_t)(TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT | TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_3); TIM3_CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_UDIS; TIM3_CR2 &= ~TIM_CR2_CCDS; TIM3_ARR = (uint32_t)10000; TIM3_DIER = (uint32_t)(TIM_DIER_CC1DE | TIM_D...
Hello, all!I'm using STM32F100RBT.I have the following code:printf("hello\n"); while(1) { HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); HAL_Delay(100); printf("***\n"); HAL_Delay(100); }The first print before the loop is...
We have an application already running properly on STM32F411 which runs at 100mhz.When running it on STM32F405 which runs at 168mhz, there are issues e.g., COM port connection to PC etc.Seems this is the difference between 100mhz and 168mhz. See http...