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Dear All,I am trying to develop a code for STM32H742VGT revision V. ADC1 and ADC2 work in regular simultaneous mode and they are set to convert 6 channels. All the settings are exactly same to have same sampling and conversion time. Of course, ADC1 a...
Dear all,I am trying to configure ADC1, ADC2 (ADC1 and ADC2 in multimode) and ADC3 running simultaneously with DMA.I have a running code for STM32F7 series and I assumed that I could use DMA in the same manner but DMA cannot store data taken from ADC...
I cannot disable SPI global interrupt in SPI Settings--> NVIC sub settings when DMA is used for SPI. When DMA is activate, SPI global interrupt check box became deactive. I am not sure if it is a problem or not. I suspect from everything because I ha...
Dear All,I would like to report an issue in Cube MX V6.5.0. I have an .ioc file which is built with previous version of Cube MX. It was migrated to the latest version and I realized IWDG Timer Block is not seen in Clock configuration page. I thought ...
Dear all,I am using Cube MX to generate a template code for my new project. In Advanced Settings page under project manager tab, Init sub-routines order is not correct and I also cannot fix it. DMA is used in ADC1 and it should initialize before than...
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