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Forum Posts

Resolved! I want to get gpio clock by passing data into GPIO_BSRR registers by DMA transaction on capture compare timer event. It doesn't work.

My timer config:  RCC_APB1ENR = RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN;  TIM3_CR1 = (uint32_t)(TIM_CR1_CKD_CK_INT | TIM_CR1_CMS_CENTER_3);  TIM3_CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_UDIS;  TIM3_CR2 &= ~TIM_CR2_CCDS;  TIM3_ARR = (uint32_t)10000;  TIM3_DIER = (uint32_t)(TIM_DIER_CC1DE | TIM_D...

MBelk by Associate II
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UART corrupted after wake from stop mode

Hello, all!I'm using STM32F100RBT.I have the following code:printf("hello\n"); while(1) { HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); HAL_Delay(100); printf("***\n"); HAL_Delay(100); }The first print before the loop is...

ISeed by Senior
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PWM Generation without using the PWM Mode of timers

Hi everyone. As the title suggests this might come across as an odd request. Basically I have been given a fully completed board with the microcontroller already placed on it. I was asked to use it to generate PWM's from it and control a full bridge ...

SRama.2 by Associate
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How to print a multidimensional array in stm32 eclipse

Is there any way to print a multidimensional array to console in eclipse for stm32. I am able to print a one dimensional array via UART. However , printing a 2 dimensional array via UART or to the console in eclipse seems impossible. Could anyone h...

KA by Associate II
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ADC conversion using periodic timer

I want to use a periodic timer to trigger an ADC conversion (which uses DMA).I have the periodic timer working OK on its own, and the ADC conversion with DMA working on its own... but when I try to put the two together it doesn't seem to trigger the ...

DSabo by Associate III
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