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Forum Posts

STM32H753 clock setting

Hi friends.I work with this chip STM32H753, but I set wrong clock. void SystemClock_Config(void) { uint32_t i;   // Enable HSE LL_RCC_HSE_Enable(); // Wait till HSE is ready while ((LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady()) == 0) ; //PLL1 - external quartz LL_R...


Sampling rate L011 too slow

Hi there.I am trying to measure progress of signal with STM32L011F4. I start measuring on three ADC channels (two inputs and reference), 30 samples on each of them by one DMA request. Frequency for ADC is set to 16Mhz (Max), ADC clock prescaler set ...

JSkod by Associate
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Can not open serial port in IDE

Hello,My O.S. is Linux Lite (ubuntu).I am getting "No such port: '/dev/ttyACM0' msg when I try to open the internal serial monitor in the IDE. I also tried /ttyACM0, etc.. When I use the Aruduino ide I can access the port successfully.ThanksTop

Detailed course?

Hello, I'm new to the stm community, I have a stm32f103 (blue pill) board with st link debugger, however moving on from arduino IDE I'm having hard time picking up from source codes or writing one myself ( I'm using system workbench and cubeMX ). can...

AJava.5 by Associate
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Resolved! Where is Nucleo software examples

I just bought a Nucleo board (F446) and per the documentation it mentions that "demo software" and "several software examples" are to be found on went to this page an only see a small number of compiled binaries. Can someone ...