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Forum Posts

How can I use i2c to communicate two STM32F103

I want to i2c to communicate two STM32F103. one of them will be a slave and other will be master. But program is stop on this : void SendI2CByteData (I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, uint8_t SlaveAddr, uint8_t Data){ __IO uint8_t temp = 0; I2C_GenerateSTART(I2Cx, ...

STM32F412 SPI DMA data bit-shifted

Hi.First of all, the essence of my problem is already described here - my case bug happens randomly and not very often. It could be one corrupted transactio...

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ohmjke by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G0, DAC, DMA, TIM2

Would like to generate a 100 Hz sine signal using DAC1, channel 1 (PA4, G071 NUCLEO @ CN8.3).Would like to use TIM2 to trigger the DAC and DMA to feed the DAC.But am not successful. TIM2 is running, but DAC is not fed.Please have al look at the (bare...

JuM by Senior
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Is STM32F103C6 can bus terminated?

I have two blackpill boards with STM32F103C6 MCU's on them, I want to explore using can bus between those two units and am wondering if I need to add termination to the cables or if those pins are internally terminated when configured for CAN.All the...

DHans.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Problems installing X-CUBE-SPN2 into ST32CubeMX

Hi,I am trying to include in my ST32CubeMX autogenerated project the 2 axis "X-CUBE-SPN2" extension to use the "X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1" board, but the package is not available in the "Additional Software Componenets".If I downloa the package from official ...

FMora by Associate II
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STM32G0 conterpart for STM32F0's GPIO_SetBits ?

Hello there,I am porting the implementation of a specific component that's currently working together with a STM32F0 to work with a STM32G0.Most of the functions need to be changed from the old implementation to its STM32g0_ll_xyz.h counterpart, but ...

Can the L4R5 OCTOSPI interface be configured as a slave

Hi,Can the L4R5 OCTOSPI interface be configured as an SPI or Hyperbus slave so that it's flash memory can be accessed and addressed via SPI from a master device?Is it possible to configure the L4R5 OCTOSPI so that the device appears as an external fl...

JButl by Associate
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