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Hello,I try to figured out if STemWin use the DMA2D to display JPEG or BMP when configured in 24bpp (GUICC_M888) with LIN lcd driverAs descrived in AN4323 Rev 5 4.1.3 Hardware acceleration (
Hello,I'm am using the STM32L4R9I-DISCOVERY board with external FLASH memory using OCTOSPI.I wan't to use it if possible in memory-mapped mode to read and write as a persistent storageAccording to the STM32L4+ documentation RM0432 (1) it is possible...
Hello, I would like to reverse the screen orientation on the Hello World example for STemWin provided in STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.14.0I have understand that the simplest way to do that is by selecting the LCD driver following the desired screen orientation...
Hello,I would like to replace LCD Screen on the STM32L4R9I-Disco MB1314C board with another one.As explain in board datasheet (UM2271) the display screen (reference IEG1120TB103GF-001) from Govisionox Optoelectronics use a molex connector 504248-2410...
Hello,I am currently working with a STM32L4R9-Discovery board with STemWin using demonstration project.I want to use the external PSRAM as a memory for the LCD GFXMMU framebufferfrom LCDConf.c :#if defined ( __ICCARM__ ) #pragma location="FrameBuffer...