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Forum Posts

NSS pin has no effect on slave STM32F303 nucleo

Hello,I have two STM32F303RE nucleo boards one acting as a master and the other as a slave.I have flashed the SPI examples on both of them that come with the firmware and both master/slave are working properly.The issue is the example only uses (SCK,...

salman by Associate II
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stm32f103c8t6 conmunication GY-86

Hello evryone.I'm newbie,I need conmunication stm32f103c8t6 and GY-86 with I2C protocol, read data from Gy-86 with debug console in Keil or SW4STM32.I hope someone help me,I try so lost of and I'm fail.Thanks so much!

PThan.15 by Associate
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Resolved! Generated binary file size in STM32L4

Is there any specific address location in generated binary file so we can know the size of that binary file?Using this, in the firmware to read the size of binary file from that location and use it in our application.

AP_040 by Senior
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