I have modified the example PWR/PWR_Stop2_RTC that uses the RTC periodid timer and used the alarm as wake-up source, as described in example RTC/RTC_Alarm.I achieved to get the wake-up cycle once, but when coming to the stop2-command the 2nd time, t...
Hi Team, I am using stm32h753 controller, While receiveing data in the UART. Rx buffer index is not always Rxbuff[0]. Data is received randomly in the different index. Here i am attaching the reference.
I've reinstalled latest Keil MDK v 5.26.2 and have show-stopper issue with debugging STMF072.When the debugger starts, it throws the following error:Load "…………....axf"Error while accessing a target resource. Resource perhaps not available or a wrong ...
Hi Team.I found an evaluation board of STM32H753ZI MCU for JTAG/Debug purpose he had used another MCU between STM32H753ZI and JTAG/debug connector. Is it compulsion to use another MCU preferred in Evaluation board of STM32 NUCLEO- 144 development boa...
My Question: If the opamp output multiplexer is configured to connect the output pin (OPAINTOEN set to zero) then can I still use the ADC to read the opamp output?The wording in the reference manual is ambiguous – it implies that the output is either...
I have created a project in trueSTUDIO v7.1.0 on computer 1 and compiled it well without any errors. But when I imported the same project to trueSTUDIO v9.3.0 on computer 2 it is giving me an error.(ERROR: Program "GCC" not found in PATH ). When I ch...
Hi,Looks like I cannot get the wd over a ~22 seconds watch time .I would like the watchdog to bark every 60 seconds or more.The 303 header file specify the reload max 0xFFF and as well the window, though they are 32bit values .Also the max prescaler ...
/******* Please check code snippet ************/int flag = 0;void EXTI_CONFIG(void){ //Enable clocks for GPIO and Sysconfig RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE); GPIO_InitTypeDef ...
Hello,for a measurement task, I have to perform an ADC readout a certain time after a rising edge occurs from an external device.My idea was to use the HRTIM with an external event but I am unsure if it is possible to trigger a timer start with an EE...