I recently came across defects in STM32G0 & STM32G4 reference material. I tried reporting this through the support channel only to receive kneejerk deflections. Since i have already worked around the issues myself I'm not seeking any help or support ...
Hi All,We have a project using STM32L431RBtx. In that we are trying to put MCU into sleep mode by using HAL API: HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP0Mode(PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI) in bare-metal code base.Here the interrupt we have configured to wake-up the MCU from sleep...
Hello,I want to convert on ADC1 some channels in regular mode all the time. After a last Transfer request DMA2 Stream 0 should write all converted values in a global buffer. I also want to convert four ADC channels synchronous with injeced mode. So I...
My board(STM32F103R8T6) sometimes stop.. So I use IWDG and it doesn't work. If my board doesn't work well, is it right that iwdg works and resets the core? Let my code work properly.void IWDG_Configuration(void) { IWDG->KR = 0x5555; IWDG->RLR = 0x...
I am working with the STM32F7. I am implementing a DMA communications handler, preferably using the HAL (but LL is also an option that I have tried). I have successfully implemented the TX side of the equation but, am unable to get the RX portion to ...
Hello, I recently started with embedded programming and currently I'm tasked with LSI Calibration based on LSE clock, this would be useful when the device enters low power mode. Based on this reference manual:https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/t...
Hi,I want to use the STM32F302R8 evaluation kit to create a sensor board. I would like to have around 10 input signals and use the Simulink Tool to create the code and, most importantly, to visualize in the Simulink scopes in real time all the input ...