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Forum Posts

Low power mode in STM32l031k6

Hello community,I am trying to use the capture feature on the comparator. I want to use it in low power mode. Right now I have something similar to the logic below:enable capture; //just to say that the capture interrupt is enabled here   while(!capt...

ADSB by Associate III
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STM32l432KC RTC and VBAT pin

Good afternoon,I have a stm32l432kc microcontroller on a custom board with two voltage supplies:1) A LiPo battery where I use a regulator to supply 3.3v to power everything and 2) A coin cell battery to only provide power to the RTC within the micro....

Aa.41 by Associate II
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Chaining Two 16-bit LP timers

Hi, I have configured two 16-bit general purpose timers in master slave mode and made 32 bit timer to get the time base ranging from micro seconds to minutes. I want to configure two 16-bit LP timers to wake up the system after for specified time ran...

SPI is triggering PWM

Hi,I am using STM32l072CZYx. I am generating the PWM using timer 3 channel 2. But PWM is getting trigger by SPI, PWM is resetting for some time. When I disabled the SPI, I am getting exact PWM. What will be the reason?What can be done to avoid such...

cpc by Associate II
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Getting started .

I have the STMf32f469 board , when I try to send a demo to the board it says that I do not have the St link utility ? Shouldnt I have got that with the StmCube install ? Or do I need to download that specifically ?EDIT> Worked with ST link. Although ...

STM32H745BIT6 Availabillity

What is the schedule for the STM32H745BIT6 Processor. Meanwhile it is in active state on the ST homepage (But not in CubeMX).Is there an estimation when it will be available for distrubutors? Is there a possibillity to get ~5 samples of this chip dir...

Martin21 by Associate II
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