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Hi I am Using STM 32f407 discovery board. and i coded for the I2C communication some bugs are in the interrupt mode. for receiving one byte

Hi I am Using STM 32f407 discovery board. and i coded for the I2C communication for both blocking and Interrupt API when i using the repeated start condition for receiving one bit in the interrupt condition some bugs are there in the code i don 't kn...

Why I could not receive the data properly in the UART ??

Hi Team, I am using stm32L0 & stm32h7 controller in my design. we can try to communicate from stm32l0(tx) to stm32h7(rx) using UART. stm32h7 While receiving that data was not correct. STML0 was UART Polling mode of transmission. In stm32H7 was Interr...

Vel by Associate III
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Hi, I'm using the MCU STM32l476, and I have a problem with RTC. The RTC works only if the board is turned on. When the board is turned off or it's sent a command to the MCU go to shutdown mode, the RTC is reset to zero values.

According to the datasheet, there is shutdown mode with and without RTC, so I believe it's a problem of configuration. Can be some parameter of configuration that is missing? How to configure the shutdown mode with RTC?Thanks!

FDigi by Associate III
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I use stm32 eclipse to add two folders in a folder named drivers. One is for my .c files named src and the second is inc for my header files. The .c can not seem to read the header files when called up on.

I use stm32 eclipse to add two folders in a folder named drivers.  One is for my .c files named src and the second is inc for my header files.  The .c can not seem to read the header files when called up on.  I am new to this so the answer should be ...

UART IDLE LINE interrupt

hi, I need some advice, I'm trying to implement the IDLE_LINE interrupt for a UART with DMA. I simply need to receive a variable length buffer. I searched the internet and put together various code snippets, I came to this:in main.c:__HAL_UART_ENABLE...

Reading RTC after wakeup from standby mode

Good day,I'm using an STM32L152RE and utilize the standby mode quite often. Upon cold start, I set the RTC and I am able to enter standby mode and wakeup from standby mode based on the RTC time and alarm events.My problem is this: I don't understand ...