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Forum Posts

Resolved! SCB_InvalidateDCache() hangs

I'm using a Nucleo-H437ZI2 board. Set up a simple project in STM32CubeIDE with the latest firmware for H7. I enabled both Icache and Dcache, no MPUI create a uint16_t array of 12,900 elements as a buffer for an ADC conversion using DMA transfer into ...

fbar by Senior
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DAC maximum sampling rate of STM32F407

In AN4566 the maximum sampling rate of the DAC of a STM32F407 is claimed to be 10.5 Msps but I'm not able to get any faster than 7 Msps before it starts to skip samples.The clock of the STM32F407 is set to 168 MHz.TIM8 triggers the DAC via TRGO.DAC1 ...

Willunen by Associate III
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Low power mode in STM32l031k6

Hello community,I am trying to use the capture feature on the comparator. I want to use it in low power mode. Right now I have something similar to the logic below:enable capture; //just to say that the capture interrupt is enabled here   while(!capt...

ADSB by Associate III
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STM32l432KC RTC and VBAT pin

Good afternoon,I have a stm32l432kc microcontroller on a custom board with two voltage supplies:1) A LiPo battery where I use a regulator to supply 3.3v to power everything and 2) A coin cell battery to only provide power to the RTC within the micro....

Aa.41 by Associate II
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Chaining Two 16-bit LP timers

Hi, I have configured two 16-bit general purpose timers in master slave mode and made 32 bit timer to get the time base ranging from micro seconds to minutes. I want to configure two 16-bit LP timers to wake up the system after for specified time ran...