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Hello, I'm trying to understand how the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() function works when my mcu is in slave configuration.If I want to transmit and receive data multiple times do I have to call the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA() after each transfer o...
Hi, I don't really have an electronics background so this might be a silly question.Is there a reason why the ground pins on my Nucleo board (f767zi) are shorted with jumpers?Or are the jumpers only used to give the board ""feets""?I'm attaching a pi...
I am having problems using SWV options with c++ projects, using a Nucleo F767ZI board.I tried using SWV data trace with a simple C project and everything works fine, however (using the same configuration I used in the C project) I couldn't get any ou...
Hello,I'm currently using STM32CubeIDE (version 1.1.0) to write and debug a c++ program on a NUCLEO F767ZI.I'm trying to use the "Live Expression" but it either doesn't update the variables live (it updates them when I pause the program") or it says ...
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