2020-01-23 1:02 PM
Hi all. I'm trying to find the source code for the HAL function HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(). I'm working with the STM32L152. I've downloaded the latest version of STMCube (STMCube_FW_L1_V1.9.0), and looked in stml1xx_hal_adc.c and stm32l1xx_hal_adc_ex.c, and haven't found it.
Any chance someone could point me to where I can find it? Is this function not available for this family? Thanks.
2020-01-23 1:19 PM
The "ex" functions are functions which are specific to a given family.
Read the ADC chapter in RM - is there any mention of calibration?
2020-01-24 4:40 AM
There's a section on calculating actual Vdda voltage from the reference, but no mention of any calibration process. Does this mean that other families have an actual ADC calibration sequence? If so I'll just use the reference voltage calculation for Vdda.
2020-01-24 4:57 AM
I was referring to the hardware family UM. I checked the HAL UM for my part, which I thought had a calibration routine, and just solved my confusion. In the UM section covering an overview of the manual API descriptions, it used the ADC calibrate routine as an example of an extended API, which I assume I found when I did a search of the manual for "calibrate". I didn't realize it was only an example. The ADC section of the manual itself does NOT have the calibrate function listed. Thanks for your response Jan.