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Forum Posts

Resolved! Increase EEPROM Erase/Write cycles capability for STM32L0

Hello all,I am using the STM32L071KB in a project, and I have to write a 32 bit word in internal EEPROM each minute; So is it worth changing the address of this 32 bit word after 100 000 cycles, in order to increase number of Erase/Write cycles ?If t...

odesc by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F769 Discovery kit demo firmware

Hi,I ran several test and example projects on the STM32F769 Discovery platform. I would like to reload the original demo firmware. According to the documentation, it should be available from the webpage but I cannot find ...

TPier by Associate III
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STM32H7 SPI RX DMA not working - bug in HAL?

This project uses STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.2.On STM32H7 I'm using DMA for SPI transfer. I use SPI1 and SPI4, both in D2 domain, together with RAM_D2.In the linker file I added:.dma_buffer : { . = ALIGN(4); *(.dma_buffer) } >RAM_D2The ...

Jack3 by Senior II
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STM32L4xx I2C Interrupts

Please can you help me. I cannot use the HAL as I have to write an ultra low power/ minimalist application. I need to Tx/Rx a few bytes over I2C3 . I have set it up as below but I do not get any interrupts, either event or errors. Can you tell me wh...

DPyke by Associate II
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I would like to communicate between STM32F407VE (MASTER) and STM32F303RE (SLAVE) using SPI. I am able to send the data from master but the slave is not able to receive it . Could you guide me through the initial steps I should consider

I have generated the driver codes using STM32Cube MX. I am attaching wth this the source codes of both master(main)and slave (main_F3) microcontrollers.Could you help me with this

silpa by Associate
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