User Activity

Hello,I have a problem with configuring some GPIO as input for the ADC4:While they appear to be available in the documentation (and in the pop-up window associated with GPIO), the choice is grayed out in the tab associated with ADC4.I'm using STM32Cu...
I want to use DMA with SPI in slave receive mode with words longer than 8 bits :I launch the DMA with the function: HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA( &HSPI_ADS, (uint8_t*)ads_dma_buffer, ADS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE );Unfortunately in this function the following test fai...
Hello,I'm new to STM32CubeIDE ... and I'm having a lot of trouble.I'm trying to change the value of a variable in the Expressions (or Live Expressions) window and I can't. I can change the values ​​on the screen, but as soon as I “enter�? the value r...
I don't know where the "HAL_MDMA_Start (" function is located.In "stm32h7xx_hal_mdma.c" we find references to "HAL_MDMA_Start (", but not the code. On the other hand there is the code of "HAL_MDMA_Start_IT (".I am using STM32CubeMX / IDE to generate ...
Hello, I am working on a card with an STM32H745 processor.I have a few questions regarding debugging (with a V3 probe):1) is it possible to make a hard reset of the chip?2) is it possible to reset the cores independently?3) is it possible to do some ...
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