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Forum Posts

PDR_ON effects to VBat?

Datasheet says Yes, but as we tested, RTC still runs (hold data after disconnected power), no matter what state of the pin is.Thanks for any suggesstion!

Dat Tran by Senior II
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Interfacing between SMT32F and ST L6206

Previously I've designed a motordriver based on an STM32F303 and an ST L6206 Dual Full Bridge driver. I've had some issues with the interfacing between the MCU and the bridge driver, because the MCU works on 3V3 and the bridge driver works on 5V. So ...

MAkke by Associate III
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Problem with WiFi Connection in board B-L475E-IoT01A2

I have purchased a B-L475E-IoT01A2 board that WiFi connection works well in the company. But the problem is that when I take this board home and test it, it doesn't connect to Wifi. It should be noted that in both cases, I test this board with my mob...

Slh by Senior
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flash using USART for STM32F303E- eval

hi stm,i want to flash using USART. what is procedure.flashloader demonstrator is not working, it is getting hanged (win 7). but target is WIN XP.mcu board is need to connect with WIN-XP PC. how to achieve the target.