Hello community! My mcu is STM32H743IIT6 tqsp176 from blue waveshare board. I create a new project from Cube with HAL. Then I make the simplest flashing cycle of the LED:volatile unsigned long x = 0;
while (1)
while (x++ < 2000000) {}
x =...
1) 3.3V2) 600 Ohm. But i used another pins without leds. They have exactly the same problem.3) 4.347 MHz with prescaler /154) Right. It is waveshare blue core devboard.5) Only one jumper set (VREF -> 3.3V)
Today I run hardware PWM with TIMER3 CH1. It 's impossible, but the problem remains!I excluded RCC config from system and now MCU work on HSI 64 MHz. Startup file from keil not modified. Are 2 running timers in system. TIM12 with interrupt and TIM3 w...