Disable exception for Flash ECC double detection
If I understand correctly, on STM32H7, a double error in Flash triggers a BusFault. is it possible to disable the generation of this exception ?
If I understand correctly, on STM32H7, a double error in Flash triggers a BusFault. is it possible to disable the generation of this exception ?
Hi,after encountering the problem with my non-CMSIS-based project, I tried to just set up a simple project in CubeMX, just activating the USART2 and selecting HSI16 as clk-source for the USART.Starting the debugger shows, as already seen in my origin...
Hello everyone, I have a question related to MCU oscillator. Honestly, i usually design MCU with external crystal , by belief that it is surely always better internal oscillator. Even i believed that if MCU isn't run with external crystal will make s...
Hello,I'm using the STM32L4A6RG and I'm interested in the exact behavior / rating of a GPIO-pin when configured as pull-up. The datasheet says, that if configured as pull-up, the maximum voltage allowed on that pin is Vdd + 0.3 V. That means there is...
I'm playing with the L1-cache of STM32H753. What I am trying to do is to provoke -on purpose- an inconsistency between the cache and the RAM as follows: set up the SRAM region as write-through cacheableenable the data cachewrite something to a variab...
Hello, normally I use STM32F103 microcontrollers and recently got a STM32H747 Discovery Kit. However I have no idea how to develop a program for it or compile that program. Normally I use Atollic True Studio but I don't know if it supports this disco...
HI ?i work with STM32F103CB ,The problem is the STM does not toggle the RTS. RTS still tied high i can't find the problem can someone help me please.we found here my code.void USART_GPIO_Init(void){ // Configuration of GPIOA clock source RCC_APB2Pe...
Hello,I was using the flash to save the configuration data of my mcu. But I've got two problems:The HAL_FLASHEx_Erase function fails with a sequence error. The first 4 bytes get zeroed with HAL_FLASH_Program. The mcu never boots up after that since t...
Hi, I use STM32H757I-EVAL Evaluation board to start my development. The IDE is SW4STM32. I download STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0 and test the example code GPIO_EXTI. The power is from mains electricity and the USB is for programming and debugging only. ...