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Forum Posts

STM32 stack and heap

Hello I want to understand allocating stack and heap size, I am using stm32f767zi with 512Kbyte RAM memory (0x80000 bytes) so what I understand is this memory should be split between only the stack and heap (if there is something else please tell me)...

STM32F37x/STM32F0x I2C Timing Configuration Tool

Posted on April 29, 2013 at 18:43Hello everyone, I'm writing to ask if anyone could provide a valid link to the STM32F37x/STM32F0x I2C Timing Configuration Tool which application note AN4235 refers to.  I've looked everywhere I know of on the site a...

gregg by Associate II
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Timer Update Interrupt not working

I use timer 6 with stm32F7 MCU. The project is generated with CubeMx.Here are the initialize function:static void MX_TIM7_Init(void) { TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterConfig = {0}; htim7.Instance = TIM7; htim7.Init.Prescaler = 0; htim7.Init.Co...

vtran1 by Associate II
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USART BREAK FRAME Detection in Multiprocessor Mode

I have an STM32F765 Master attached to 7 STM32F411 Slave processors on Half Duplex RS485 bus. The slave processors are in Address Mark mode. They are normally MUTE, until they receive their matching address.Is it true that the BREAK FRAME gets recogn...