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STM32F103R8T6 no CAN interrupt?

CubeMX ver 5.4 F1 package ver 1.8.0 and CubeMX ver 5.5 F1 package ver 1.8.0 when using CAN pins PA11 and PA12 the receive interrupt does not work. If you make pins PB8 and PB9 everything works. It also works on any pins if you configure loopback mode...

SBybe by Associate II
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LCD1602+pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F107

Hi all,I have some problem with LCD1602 + pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F107pcf8574 operate as SLAVE.I setup i2c in CubeMX and used this tutorial ( ) to operate LCD, but I failed, then I write a I2C bus scanner ...

MHos by Associate
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Resolved! Where to find - lowest Vcc value for mcu

Hi, Can someone help me find the minimum voltage Vcc of stm32f103c8.​Lo​west voltage that will allow for maximum clocks frequency. And wont interfere with usb (pullups at data line to vcc).And adc.​2.4 V is minimum when using adc. But will it run at ...

oeliks by Senior
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STM32F0 for new development

Dear ST community,we are planning using stm32f0 as driver for our X-Y control Unit. with please see the attachment.The requirement is to update the application of stm32f0 via SPI.And we would like also to use the parts of the HAL library.Is those two...

MMatv by Associate II
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