On page 22 of this datasheet:https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32h753xi.pdf"Figure 1. STM32H753xI block diagram" shows 200MHz and 400MHz.Shouldn't this be 240MHz and 480MHz instead?The document states "Updated Figure 1: STM32H753xI block di...
Hello,I have an app working fine with a device that works at 1200bps 7N2 using a Clock Tree with HSE CLK configuration at 8MHz.If I change the Clock Tree to work with PLL to other frecuencys like 16,32,64,72 every work fine, even if I config at rare ...
Hi, I am using STM32F103VG micro-controller. I am trying to program the memory in range 0x8014000 to 0x8090000. My code is able to program the memory till 0x807FFFF but after that it failed to write into memory i.e. problem happens after I start writ...
my problem is that the DMA only writes to the first address of the buffer, means that when i look on the buffer, the last byte of the message is stored in the first place of the array, and the rest of the data is overwritten.what could be the problem...
eternal interrupt routine works with some delay if i remove delay then it not work what is the reason how can i solve this?*code work with some for loop delay.void EXTI3_IRQHandler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN EXTI3_IRQn 0 */ for (int z = 0; z < 50...
CubeMX ver 5.4 F1 package ver 1.8.0 and CubeMX ver 5.5 F1 package ver 1.8.0 when using CAN pins PA11 and PA12 the receive interrupt does not work. If you make pins PB8 and PB9 everything works. It also works on any pins if you configure loopback mode...
PN532 NFC/RFID module with STM32F429Zi communication via HSU
Good morning,i' m working with stm32g4 and formy application i need use internal opamp in non- inverting configuration withexternal resistor how show the figure below (figure form AN5306). I don’t understand if is possible connect the output of opamp...
I am using STM32F103VBTx. I have configured ADC using DMA method. We are getting some noise on PCB due to which ADC values are not captured properly. We see a lot of variations even after Calibrating ADC values through software. We are trying to eli...