Resolved! stm32mat/TARGET Ver 5.4.0 download error
The size of the downloaded file is 0 bytes.
The size of the downloaded file is 0 bytes.
Hello,I have a project in which I use an external timer module. I want to measure the time that a function takes. I have a function say _time returnTime() which is configured in such a way that it returns a time with 10 microsecond resolution. In the...
We have a custom board with an STM32F469 and a SanDisk iNAND 7250-I 8GB eMMC. We have our HCLK set to 168MHz and SDIO clock at 48MHz, 8-bit data width. Using CubeMX (v4.26.1), the user is responsible for supplying the necessary code in the user_diski...
I am driving bldc motor using my bldc driver, I use stm32f103xx as MCU. Using 6 step commutation the control was ok, and i driven in e-scooter using my driver. But there is a small problem at starting, once the motor gets its motion it goes good. So ...
A while ago I received an STM32 discoveryboard as a gift, after I told some people on a fair that I'm a software engineer. Because I'm allready experienced in C/C++ but new to embedded software engineering, I ordered a course. Now I get stuck on the ...
during debugging i came to notice that after PCDinit() ,few instructions contating read and write on rc522, is receivng correct data through spi but after that it always read zero. same problem had been arrived earlier too but it started working on...
Hello,I try to trigger a ADC for example ADC1 in injected conversion mode with the Timer out event of TIM1 but it doesn`t work. For Time 1 i select OCREF and OC6REF as trigger event. In my ADC I select the Timer 1 Trigger out event as external trigge...
I have been banging my head against the wall for days on this one. I'm using STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0. I create a simple project with a SPI interface and DMA. I'm attaching the full project. I call one function: MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_USART2_UART_Init(); ...
#include "stm32f4xx.h" // Device header // Trying to use the General Purpose Timer (TIM2) to create a 1 second delay // Board External Crystal 8.0 MHz // Port A Pin 0 Output // The program should output a high on GPIOA Pin 0 and ...
When importing a .launch file in Atollic, the configuration is not imported. It deletes the .launch file and nothing becomes visible in debug settings.The .launch file was created in the same Atollic IDE. Atollic also does not detect .launch file if ...