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STM32H750B-DK not able to program using system workbench

I have purchased STM32H750B-DK. I am using system workbench for stm32 as IDE. Now i downloaded STM32CubeH7 library and trying to download GPIO_IO_Toggle example program into this board but getting the error as below:17:31:42 **** Programming project ...

VAgga by Associate II
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Circular DMA seems to "doublebuffer" (STM32F427)

What is it that I've been missing...I set a timer to trig 7-channel ADC with DMA. The DMA is set to make 7 16-bit to 16-bit transfers circularly. It seemed to work fine, but some data started to corrupt. So I made the 7x16-bit buffer 4-fold (28 16-bi...

SDMMC 4 bit mode with DMA (STM32L4R7)

Hi,I'm trying to configure SDMMC module using DMA since I'm using FREERTOS. But in STM32CUBEMX, there is no option to configure DMA settings under FATfs.So, I'm trying to setup the DMA configuration through code. I can see that there is no definition...

Iswarya by Associate II
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STM32CubeL4 SubGHz P2P missing data

Hi,I have two B-L475E-IOT01A boards and I am testing the SubGHz P2P application available in the STM32CubeL4 package. Whenever I press the User Button on one board the led LD1 on the other board blinks, and as the ACK command is received the led LD1 ...


I'm using the STM32F0 Discovery (STM32F051R8T6) and trying to measure temperature via an ADC input. We're using the formula: VChannel = (3.3V * VREFINT_CAL * ADC_DATA) / (VREFINT_DATA * fullscale), but we are unsure what to use as the VREFINT_DATA va...