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Forum Posts

eMMC prototyping on NUCLEO

Hi All,I'm looking for advices about boards/components to use for eMMC prototyping.I have got a NUCLEO-H743ZI board, but it seems that there is no shield board for eMMC, and that a solution would be to use SD/MMC card breakout + eMMC dongle.Could one...

frd66 by Associate II
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Funky source code stepping in debug mode

I know about optimizers and I've been debugging MCUs for many decades. But this behavior is just too weird and difficult to deal with...I'm using Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.3.0. When I debug my code and single step through the C source code, the highlighte...

Resolved! No signal on LPUART1 TX Signal on NUCLEO-L476RG

Hello Everybody,i am trying to use LPUART1 on the NUCLEO board. I attsched an oscilloscope probe on the TX pin and tried to send a simple "Hello world\n". But I don't get any signal from the pin. The data is correct transmitted in TDR register.Does a...

Where is the actual doc on the CAN interface?

I'm using an STM32F105R8T6 and Cube. I've searched and searched and can NOT find any actual documentation on the CAN interface. Yes, there are a couple words in the STM32F105 datasheet, and a brief mention in the Cube's getting started doc. But th...

Disable nterrupt inside the IRQ Handler allowed??

Hello,i disable the interuppt after its execution is it allowed?void EXTI4_IRQHandler(void) { // Clear interrupt __HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_IT(SYNC_UC_PIN);   // call function function();// the function enables an other interrupt of the same pri...

Jannaros by Associate II
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OpenOCD failed : stm32f4x.cfg:77: Error: invalid subcommand "newtap stm32f412 cpu -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id 0x4ba00477"

Hi experts,We have created a project on WICED 43xx_Wi-Fi sdk for STM32F412 MCU+43438 wlan chip.We have connected st-link V2 debugger to the EVB and we could see "STM32 STLink"​ in windows Device Manager.When we used openOCD to flash debugger to EVB, ...

STM32F769NI Evaluation board NEWBIE

Hi AllI am just starting off with the STM parts and bought the 469 EVM. I got the touch ID with TouchGFX working and made some cool things but now it is time to start using the periphials on the board in bare metal C config.I am really looking to do ...