2020-04-15 11:29 AM
Good morning!I have the following problem with STM32L100RCT6 chip.After entering into USART BootLoader mode and resetting MCU into the standard mode via NRESET Pin and BOOT0 Pin Pulled Down, the current consumption in STOP MODE increases by 200uA. After this If I reset the chip by the function NVIC_SystemReset or via Nreset, the chip successfully resets, but it doesn’t solve the problem with the high current consumption.The only way to solve the problem is by resetting the power or by entering the chip into StandByMode and wake it up after that.
2020-04-17 9:41 AM
In my previous message I made a mistake in value of excess consumption. The actual value is 150uA instead of 200uA. I created a test stand to make sure the problem in the chip.
I supposed the problem may be in the line VDDA, so used a resistor of 100ohm as a current leaking measurer.In the run-mode and boot0=0, the voltage on the resistor was 3.254V.The chip entered into BootLoader-mode after I had connected Boot0 to VDD and had made a reset. After that I connected Boot0 to GND and made reset again. The main program successfully loaded and voltage on the resistor was 3.238V. So, obviously, the current of 160uA was consumed by VDDA.I could only fix the problem by resetting the power or by entering the chip into StandByMode.I'm curious if it is an expected behaviour?I tested STM32L162RDT instead of STM32L100RCT and have got the same result.
2020-04-18 5:19 AM
Try to read/clear the DBGMCU_CR register.
2020-04-19 2:26 AM
Thanks, but it is not helping.
2020-04-19 2:32 AM
Thanks, but it is not helping.
2020-04-19 4:16 AM
There are not many things which are not reset by system reset yet they are with power-on reset. Most of them are in DBG, see that chapter in RM. So, try to read out/.reset all the DBG registers.
Other group is RTC and the backup power domain-related register in RCC, but I don't think the bootloader would use those. You may have a look at them, too.
There may be other registers or even bits which are not affected by system reset, I don't use the 'L1 so you may want to check yourself in the RM.