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QUADSPI + DMA, reading too many bytes?

Hello, so I am trying to write a driver for a GigaDevice GD5F2GQ4xFxxG part, that uses the QUADSPI peripheral. So far so good, but seeing some unexpected results and when I dug into it, I think I observe that a read command is acquiring more bytes t...

STM32F407G-DISC1 for Window 10

Hi, As per product data sheet, STM32F407G-DISC1 discovery board is compatible with Windows® OS (XP, 7, 8). But I have window 10.Does this discovery board supports window 10?Thanks and Regards,Shailesh Kumar

SKuma.71 by Associate
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STM32F303 ADC Sequence Conversion Problem

Hello I am trying to use STM32F303VCT6 ADC1 to measure 4 channels in sequence. I am using TIMER 3 to trigger start of sequence conversion. I am using DMA1 to transfer data to an array. My code is as follows:ADC Configuration:ADC_InitTypeDef ADC...

MAbba.8 by Associate II
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Print to Serial port of an STM32F030F4P6

Hi.I have a diy board with STM32F030F4P6 Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.3.0 and STM32CubeMX 5.2.1.I want to use it 's serial port in order to print (for debugging), like in Arduino we use the Serial.print().I 've followed a few things I found on the internet b...

openOCD by STM

Hello,Is there a version of openOCD compiled by STM which contains all the latest cards (notably the NUCLEO-G071RB) and is it possible to obtain the command generated by STM32CubeIDE configured with openOCD.Because I would like to use another IDE (CL...

ADEVL.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Openocd not working with STM32F750

I was successfully using openocd with GDB with STM32F746-DISCO. However, my new STM32F750-DISCO does not work.I use this commands:openocd -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/board/stm32f7discovery.cfg telnet localhost 4444 reset halt flash write_image eras...

KMaen by Associate III
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Can the ADC operation frequency be more than 60Mhz?

According to the spec, it says the ADC clock frequency is up to 60Mhz for a single channel. Does it mean we cannot apply the ADC clock more than 60Mhz to the ADC modules? But in the STM32Cube example code, the ADC clock applied to the ADC module is ...

LHsu.1 by Associate
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I'm in the first steps of my project. Selected STM32F446ZE Nucleo board for developing MIC ARRAY application as 446ZE used in BLUECOIN and made my own same arranged mic array board. Now I found there is no Beam Forming sample for it! What to do now?

There is a document about MIC ARRAY BEAM FORMING by ST that suggests DFSDM in found other chip. I'm confused, why bluecoin used same mic array arrangemt but other mcu? How can I find samples for it?

_behn4m by Associate II
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