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Hi  I am actually interested particularly in the STM8L151 series, but as I understood this is a global problem for all ST MCUs (and even from other companies - but the ST stocks seems particularly bad).I designed my product expecting to buy STM8L151...
Hi  I have been designing a device for the STM8L151, and I hope to start production of the first 1000 units soon. But it seems the stock amounts are getting smaller and smaller?On DigiKey for example there are only 4 versions of the STM8L151 which h...
Hi  Quick version: how to write 2 bytes (not in the same word) to the EEPROM in STM8? Should I write 1 byte and then wait for the EOP flag to be set before writing the second one?Long version: for now I am simply doing:unlock EEPROMwrite byte 1 (EEP...
Hi!There is an issue with unlocking the EEPROM on STM8 (probably all of them, but I am using STM8L151). This article summarizes the issue very well: it says it was first found in 2013, and here we a...
Hi =) Short version: should there be time (cycles) between updating ARR/CCR registers and generating an update event by setting the UG bit in TIMx_EGR?Long version:I am using one timer, which is automatically enabled (triggered) by another timer.I ma...