I couldn't find this mentioned in another thread, most discussion was based around LSE vs HSE & LSI. Basically, I'm wondering if we used an external 32.768 kHz clock with the STM setup in bypass mode, whether that clock could be used to maintain RTC ...
Hi I want to communicate with a device that uses SPI, I want to grab data from this device but when it transmits a byte waits for an acknowledgment signal which is a positive pulse with 2us lent. So I should wait until it sends 1 byte of data, store ...
the debugger of IAR EARM V8 has lots of bugs in tracking C codes sentences, has anybody experienced it and find a solution?V7 is pretty stable but no support for many recent ST MCUs, I think F7(not all of them), H7, L4+any idea to add these MCU as pa...
I got the stm32f7308-DK board, create project on Cube for it. when I open the project in IAR it gives me error for selected target. when I check the properties, it shows ARM7. I tried to select STM32F730 from device list but it doesn't give me any op...
I'm using the STM32F105R8T6, STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.0, and Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.3.0.I have CAN1 working already, and am now trying to get CAN2 working *instead*. That is, I'm swapping over from CAN1-only to CAN2-only, as an interim step before trying ...
i want to build a node that can receive and send can frame without sending out the ACK bit. Like the silent mode but i want to be able to transmit too. There is a way to accomplish that?
I want to wake my STM32 mcu from stop2 mode using an external interrupt from sx1262 radio. I configured the gpio pin like this:/*Configure GPIO pin : RADIO_DIO1_Pin */ GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = RADIO_DIO1_Pin; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_IT_FALLING;...
Hello,My question is related to "STM32L4 ADC w/ DMA overrun error" which was closed unanswered.I am implementing an algorithm that uses ADC with DMA on a NUCLEO-L476RG.The ADC is configured as follows:Clock Prescaler: SynchronuousDMA Continuous Reque...