2020-04-22 12:11 PM
I am migrating from STM32F765VIT6 to STM32H743VIT6
But I can't use QSPI with W25Q512, With F765 OK, but with H743 it returns unsupported device.
void MX_QUADSPI_Init (void)
hqspi.Instance = QUADSPI;
hqspi.Init.ClockPrescaler = 2;
hqspi.Init.FifoThreshold = 4;
hqspi.Init.SampleShifting = QSPI_SAMPLE_SHIFTING_NONE;
hqspi.Init.FlashSize = 25;
hqspi.Init.ChipSelectHighTime = QSPI_CS_HIGH_TIME_1_CYCLE;
hqspi.Init.ClockMode = QSPI_CLOCK_MODE_0;
hqspi.Init.FlashID = QSPI_FLASH_ID_1;
hqspi.Init.DualFlash = QSPI_DUALFLASH_DISABLE;
if (HAL_QSPI_Init (& hqspi)! = HAL_OK)
Error_Handler ();
2020-04-24 3:05 AM
Hello @RDos ,
Could you please provide more details on your case, so that it will be easier to understand this issue?
Which software and tools are you using (version) ? where the code hangs/stop and it returns "unsupported device"?
The STM32H7x3 line devices are compatible with the STM32F7 Series devices.
You can review this AN4936 Application note Migration of microcontroller applications from STM32F7 Series to STM32H7x3 line microcontrollers.
Best Regards,
2020-04-24 10:51 AM
Using STM32CubeIDE 1.3.1, HAL V1.7.0
Using W25Q512 in QSPI mode,
The return from BSP_QSPI_Init =
uint8_t BSP_QSPI_Init (void)
QSPI_CommandTypeDef s_command;
uint8_t value = W25Q128FV_FSR_QE;
/ * QSPI memory reset * /
if (QSPI_ResetMemory ()! = QSPI_OK)
/ * Enable write operations * /
if (QSPI_WriteEnable ()! = QSPI_OK)
return QSPI_ERROR;
2020-04-27 3:29 AM
we need more details on your hardware and software enviroment. Are you using ST board without update ?
May be you can share your source file, this will help to analyze your issue.
2020-04-29 6:47 AM
2020-05-11 2:36 AM
It's possible that the problem is in the BSP file. Can you please send me the BSP file for QUADSPI that you are using ?
Are you using a customized ST board ?