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Resolved! STM32L552-EV, attempting to IAP program the flash through UART connection, however always fails to send the bin file through Y-modem protocol.

I've been using the example AN4657 and following it to a T. I'm using the example project library files form the STM32L476G IAP_Main and modified them where necessary to work with the 552.I can successfully connect to TeraTerm via usart3 connection a...

Rikerq by Associate II
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ADC to DAC using DMA

If I set my sine wave generator to 1.5 Vpk-pk the DAC outputs a nice clean sine wave. If I increase the ADC input above that level, I start to see clipping of the sine wave. The negative part of the wave begins clipping before the positive part. Is t...

One Pulse Mode input can not be driven high enough.

Hello folks,Does any body know why the input pin can not be driven high enough when it is set as the trigger to TIM3 in OPM? I use CubeMX to generate the init code where TIM3 ch1 as input trigger and ch2 as the output. On the board, I use a comparato...

ming2 by Associate III
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Resolved! How to reset TXE flag on SPI slave?

I'm simulating some issues on my STM32F412 DMA SPI SLAVE because I need to avoid any unrecoverable situation.If for any reason the TX is not empty (TXE is 0), I'm not able to reset it (set to 1) even reinitializing the peripheral.Probably, something ...

Guidoted by Associate III
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