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DSP library with STM32F103 (blue pill) possible?

I would like to implement a FFT on a STM32F103 (blue pill).So far i installed the STM32cubeIDE and set up a project.I added "CMSIS CORE" and "CMSIS DSP" (as library) in the cubeMX software under additional software.In my code i added: #define ARM_MAT...

HTuam.1 by Associate
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Setting STM32H7 SAI port as asynchronous slave device

Hello,I'm trying to connect my DAC as a master device to STM32H7.I have configured SAI1 A as a Asynchronous Slave and SAI1 B as a synchronous slave.But I'm confused where to connect my DAC's MCLK output into.In other readings, LINK STM32L4 series hav...

BHan.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! EXTI PI2 not working on STM327508-DK

I have viewed every example on the internet, I think and seen many different commands and approaches. As long as the interrupt is disabled, the program works, but it crashes when enabled. Here are snippets related to EXTI. Maybe I have mixed code fro...

DRobe.4 by Senior
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STM32F7 How to get 50MHz on GPIO

I can only get the GPIO pin to toggle at 8MHz but datasheet indicates 108MHz is possible.I tried changing OSPEEDRy[1:0] but this did not help, I only get the default 8MHz.

SRobs.1 by Associate II
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