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Forum Posts

How to make LED (LD2) in NUCLEO-G474RE stop blinking ?

Hi everyone,I am trying to play around with the demonstration application included in the NUCLEO-G474RE. The user LED (LD2) blinks at 3 different frequences (increasing order) and one can shift between them by pressing the B1 switch (blue switch) and...

jefazo92 by Associate III
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NSS pin mode

Hello,I'm using HAL_SPI_Transmit function to transfer two bytes over SPI, NSS pin controlled by SPI module. I noticed that NSS pin is changing state after each transmitted byte. I need that NSS goes low before transmission is started and goes back to...

JBert.1 by Associate II
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NUCLEO-STM32F446RE: TX working, RX not

Hi!I am using a NUCLEO-STM32F446RE and HAL which was created with CubeMX. I can send messages via CAN to my test PC. Messages which are sent to the NUCLEO board are correctly acknowledged from the NUCLEO board. So I assume that HW wiring, CAN transce...

TMass.1 by Associate
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STM32 UART Call back function

Hi,I am using STM32F4 based microcontroller and configured it using STM32Cube IDE and free rtos. I have my uart driver interrupt for reception with call back function. HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, (uint8_t *)&Uart.RxByte, 1);and call back function HA...

Kumar B by Associate II
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STM32G030C6t6 Problem in Flash Loader (v2.8)

HiI made the processor STM32G030C6t6 , STM32G030K6t6 because it will be cheap in the future and have a lot of use for it.I use the Flash Loder Dmonstrator program for the STM32 processor program.Due to the high number of daily programs and I have my ...

Resolved! STM32L010 lpuart on PA14. AF not working???

I am trying to get the stm32L010 lpuart TX out of PA14. The datasheet says this is AF6. However, despite uart interrupts etc all working (so I assume the lpuart block is configured ok) I can get nothing on PA14. This isn't helped by the fact that PA1...

toby2 by Senior
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How do we define the frame buffer for emWin?

I found where we define the size of the screen but I could not find where the memory is allocated for the frame buffers. Also, emWin is running on 256k of RAM but the screen is 480x800. How do we define the bpp? Is it something that is defined in t...

MCons.2 by Associate
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