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STM32F303RCT6 ADC读�?�异常

您好:   我使用STM32F303RBT6的ADC2_IN3时,�?�现�?��?将PC4脚输出高电平时,ADC2_IN3采样的数�?�就会有异常。   譬如ADC2_IN3脚接GND,PC4输出高电平,ADC采样�?�回的值为0x70;而将PC4输出低电平�?�,ADC采样就正常为0了。   请问这是什么问题?谢谢�?

lYong.1 by Associate
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STM32F103C8T6 and WS2812b

Hi everybody,I'm complete noob and may be a silly question. But is it possible to connect WS2812b to a blue pill? As far as I know WS2812b hav 5V management logic and STM32 here gives 3.3VWhat do you think? I've see someone did it, but no schemas or ...

MAkse.1 by Associate
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STM32F103C8T6: I2C Master does not generate START bit

I am programming Blue Pill stm32f103c8t6 mcu, and I am having troubles implementing I2C driver for it. I have tried one I2C example from one site, then tried to implement it on my own by datasheet, yet it does not work - it does not generate START.I ...

DPosv.1 by Associate II
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How to setting the TIM of the stm32F103RC for 1usec

I've used stm32F103VC before, so this time I changed my MCU to stm32F103RC. I saw in the datasheet that the specifications of the two chips are almost equal.However, I cannot properly set the timer in stm32F103RC.Here's how I tested it:I make a clock...

DKim.4 by Associate II
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Timer drift

I've picked up two discovery f3 board and configured to toggle a pin(in irq timer handler) everytime ARR=17999 on TIM2 with a clock of 36Mhz, derived from HSE crystal on board. If i connect the two pin to an oscilloscope i notice a drift between the ...

I cannot debug from main() function (NUCLEO-H743ZI2)

Hi all,I have developed a program with NUCLEO-H743ZI (Version 1).And there is no problem for debugging. Recently, I bought NUCLEO-H743ZI2 (Version 2). I found it cannot enter main function in the first beginning. I try to uncheck 'run to main' item ...

clee.10 by Associate III
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