I want to design battery operated hardware with stm32l0 series. i want minimum 5 years of battery backup for my project. please suggest me the best hardware along with stm32 and battery management solution also
HIstm32f051 config with stmcubemxbut, timer1 and timer2 and timer3and16and17 not working for pwm generationonly timer15 good workwhy????
I work with STM32F769I-discovery board. in CubeMX CAN bus interface are not available to be selected. Can someone point me to the right diretion of initialising CANBUS?Many thanks!
I experience a problem when the capacitor is fully discharge. When the program try to read from a UART port it stall on the read command and the application will not continue.If I put a delay before the read for the time that it takes the capacitor t...