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Forum Posts

Resolved! Please Help!! Why am I not able to setup ADC on STM32F030?

I am trying to setup the ADC channel on PA0. I have first set the pin mode to additional function. Then I have followed the examples provided in the reference manual. However, it doesn't turn on anything, either the calibration or the enable. It is n...

KHe.1 by Associate II
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stm uart communication voltage

I want to use stm32f407gt with nextion touch screen. Display and stm will connect via to uart(Rx Tx pins). Stm work with 3.3V and nextion works with 5V. It will effect to communication ?

IDANI.1 by Associate
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STM32F439 SDMMC Command Timeout

Hello all,I access SDMMC directly through the APIs: HAL_MMC_WriteBlocks() and HAL_MMC_ReadBlocks().Sometimes the access to SDMMC does not does not succeed with Timeout error.Can you please advise me?Thanks in advance.Yacob.

Resolved! Timer of 10 Milliseconds

I want to configure timer of 10 millisecondsso for that according to calcuationUPDATE Frequency = TIMCLK / ((PSC+1) * (ARR+1))   My clock frequency is 108 MHzso when i set prescaler is 107 and ARR value is 9999 it should be updated frequcy is 100 H...

Im using stm32F373c8t6 MCU, i want to interface i2c2 peripheral with MCP7904N(EEPROM IC). i have generated configure file from cubeMx .. This board is tested ok.

when i write or read it show hal_ok..if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c2, 0xA0, 0, 1, eeprom_tx_buff, 1,15) == HAL_OK) HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_3, GPIO_PIN_RESET);It shows hal_ok .if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c2, 0xA1, 0, 1, eeprom_tx_buff, 1,15) == HA...

Asing.1 by Associate II
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