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Forum Posts

Pausing a STM32 TIMER

Hi, I am using the STM32F401RE microcontroller to control 4 seven segment displays which together represent a countdown timer.In order to control the displays I am multiplexing and therefore using the general purpose TIMER 2 in interrupt mode for a f...

STM32 IoT Node BSP in low power mode

Hi Community,I am working on developing applications using STM32L4 IoT discovery kit. So far i am able to configure sensors and read data from it. Connect to WiFi and transmit data via mqtt are working fine so far. I am also interesting in implementi...

STM32F107 SPI receiving problem

Hello,Here is my SPI configuration and interrupt codes:void SPIConfiguration(void){ SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB,ENAB...

parisa by Senior
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DMA-> GPIO STM32f103

Hello,I need to transfer 42 pulses (with 1 pin of a port) and read incoming bits from 1 pin of a port( such as SPI communication). As this forum member trained me I am curious to use DMA to generate 42 pulses with sending a specific value(10101...). ...

parisa by Senior
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STM32F769 EVAL DMA for TIM2 PWM occurs only once, why?

I am trying to set-up a PWM with 20kHz pattern and every time the PWM is over to add a new one. I am using to start-up the DMA if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&TimHandle, TIM_CHANNEL_3, SamplingPoints, length) != HAL_OK) functionFirst time the pulse is sen...

VMoca.1 by Associate II
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ADC and DMA timing calculation

Hello,I am trying to figure out how long an ADC in dual mode and DMA will run to take 24000 samples. I cannot get any proper values. My init at startup:bitset(SCB->ConfigCtrl, bit9); // set STKALIGN in NVIC bitset(SCB->AIRCR, (0x5FA<<16)|(...

machinist by Associate III
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STM32F103C8Tx ADC count

Hello for my project I need 10 diffrent ADC's. I am planning to use STM32F103C8Tx for this project. In the dahasheet of it, "There are 2 ADC's with 16 external channels are available" information was given. So what I want to know is that, what is the...

GunkutA by Senior
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