MCU selection
I am looking for an MCU for a new project. Desired features:Ethernet, EEPROM, I2C, UART, SPI, PWM, 1MB flash, USB, ETM, possibly TQFP package, no BGA, operating voltage 3 - 3.6 V, OR 5V, -40C to 85 C operating range. Thanks,Priya
I am looking for an MCU for a new project. Desired features:Ethernet, EEPROM, I2C, UART, SPI, PWM, 1MB flash, USB, ETM, possibly TQFP package, no BGA, operating voltage 3 - 3.6 V, OR 5V, -40C to 85 C operating range. Thanks,Priya
Hi, I am trying to find a MCU that both have an MMU and an internal scratchpad?My idea is usually Cortex-M series (low-end ones) do not have an MMU and an internal SRAM that can be used as a scratchpad / Cortex-A series (high-end ones) have an MMU bu...
Is it possible to externally trigger the ADC in group conversion mode + DMA continually? Nothing I have tried seems to work. It appears that I have to call a software conversion for each synced conversion? ``` LL_ADC_REG_SetTriggerSource(ADC1, LL_A...
Hi,Kindly share the MTBF or FIT rate of STM32F103RDT6.Warm regards,Monisha OM
I try to measure the VDDA on an STM32F302R8 MCU using internal voltage reference (VREFINT) and it works fine and gives the correct results as long as the VDDA is above 3 V. Below 3V the value of the AD conversion of the VREFINT rapidly increase and a...
Hello,I'm reading data from an external device using SPI in Receive Only Master mode. For this, I'm using the HAL function HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(), which as its name suggests doesn't use DMA, but is non-blocking and calls HAL_SPI_RxCpltCallback() when i...
I am using a SensorTile mounted on the cradle in the steval‑stlkt01v1 kit. For my project, I am trying to be able to:1) Either to pass a string as an input to the MCU, which I can make use of in my code as a parameter to set some things 2) Or to upda...
Want to use the date and time of build as build version
I am using STM32F410RB 64 pin MCU. According to datasheet, its max clock is 100MHz. I am using cubeIDE for clock setting and programming. The problem i am face is that my MCU is only operating for 60MHz max. any frequency setting above 60MHz is not ...