Resolved! GPIO pin analog voltage measurement
HelloI am considering using STM32F769NI.Can all GPIO pins measure analog voltage when set to input?Thank you.
HelloI am considering using STM32F769NI.Can all GPIO pins measure analog voltage when set to input?Thank you.
Code found in the main.c and figure of the issue seen in PWM_scope_NOK.png.
Hello,A simple question make me confused. For example, this code with return 40 value for a 10-member array.#include <stdio.h> int buffer[10]; int main() { printf("Hello World %d \n\r",sizeof(buffer)); return 0; }For settings my DMA for sp...
The HAL_I2C_Transmit_IT() in the STM32H7 HAL respond incorrectly, when the I2C bus returns NAK. In case of NAK, the I2C error interrupt must be triggered immediately, but it is triggered few seconds later. This is wrong response. The attached zip fil...
Hi,I have a STM32L476RG board and I try to execute the following program, obtained from this web which is for a different Nucleo 64 board (STM32F446RE)/* p2_5.c Toggle Green...
Hello, I am attempting to transmit a simple CAN message between two STM32F469I discovery boards. I am using the official STM32F4 github as reference found here:
I am new to ARM processor and I need to know what are the header files required in main.c for programming the above MCU in C by just accessing its registers (and manipulating bits) as explained in RM0390 (REFERENCE MANUAL for STM32F446xx) ?NOTE: I am...
Posted on July 02, 2018 at 11:00Hello,I am using an STM32F042 controller. I have to send a wake-up pattern followed immediately by 5 bytes (@10400 baud) from my device. Wakeup pattern: 25msec LOW followed by 25msec HIGH5 byte sequence: 0xC1, 0x11, 0...
Dear all,for my application I need to store some user settings in the internal Flash and be able to modify/read them during execution. I have been succesfully familiarising with the Erase/write ans read functions with no particular struggle. Now I wa...
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 17:38The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.