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Forum Posts

Sizeof(array) function

Hello,A simple question make me confused. For example, this code with return 40 value for a 10-member array.#include <stdio.h> int buffer[10]; int main() { printf("Hello World %d \n\r",sizeof(buffer));   return 0; }For settings my DMA for sp...

parisa by Senior
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Resolved! where can I find the register addresses for STM32L476RG?

Hi,I have a STM32L476RG board and I try to execute the following program, obtained from this web which is for a different Nucleo 64 board (STM32F446RE)/* p2_5.c Toggle Green...

MFaun.1 by Associate II
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STM32F469 CAN Rx Issues

Hello, I am attempting to transmit a simple CAN message between two STM32F469I discovery boards. I am using the official STM32F4 github as reference found here:

Resolved! Issues in changing baudrate of USART1 on the fly

Posted on July 02, 2018 at 11:00Hello,I am using an STM32F042 controller. I have to send a wake-up pattern followed immediately by 5 bytes (@10400 baud) from my device. Wakeup pattern: 25msec LOW followed by 25msec HIGH5 byte sequence: 0xC1, 0x11, 0...