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Resolved! STM32F0 memory model - where can I save data in flash ?

Hello,I want to save data in flash memory of a STM32F0 using HAL library :HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, 0x20000000, data); HAL_FLASH_Lock();I don't know which address is allowed to store user data in flash.Here is the ...

ValentinG by Associate II
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Resolved! Anyone know of a Nucleo pin-out print utility?

I'm creating code for an STM32L073 that will connect to another system. The final boards are not done yet (and will not be for a while) so we have a Nucleo board that we will be wired into the demo board for the system. I made a spreadsheet with the ...

mreed by Associate III
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Duty cycle on Timers

I was reading in "Mastering STM32" and in the intro of PWM pulses (pg355 hard copy) said that "The square waves generated until now have all one common characteristic: they have a Ton period equal to the Toff one. For this reason they are also said t...

hello, im using stm32f446re nucleo board for practice and i have configure the board for SPI communication. i did the program for the 8bit and 16bit DFF. Now i using HMC767 PLL as a salve device whos register size is different from that of nucleo board.

i dont know how to send variable size data evrytime. The HMC Mode protocol for the serial port is designed for a 4 wire interface with a fixed protocol featuringa. 1 Read/Write bitb. 6 Address bitsc. 24 data bitsplease need yout help on how to send >...


LPTIM as a pulse counter

Hi, bom dia.I need to use LPTIM as a pulse counter in stm32L431. I created a project using stm32cubeIDE and start only the necessary to test the LPTIM, but when i call HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start() or HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start_IT() never return HAL_OK. I h...

GFont.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L452 QSPI no output

HiI am using a STM32L452 MCU with a quadspi flash from Micron.I configured the board using CubeMX and have tried making a test code based on the example in: STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.15.1\Projects\STM32L476G-EVAL\Examples\QSPI\QSPI_ReadWrite_DMAI'm trying t...


STM32G4 USART strange output

Hi I am trying to write a echo program and the USART1 configuration code is shown below. RCC->AHB2ENR |= RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN; //Enable GPIOA Clock RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN; //Enable USART1 Clock   GPIOA->AFR[1] |= (0b0111 << GPIO_AFRH_A...

LLOLO.1 by Associate II
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STM32L051 Stop Mode and LPTIM interrupt

I use HAL to go to STOP mode with interrupt (WFI), but the microcontroller immediately exits stop mode.I have LPTIM setup with HAL_LPTIM_Counter_Start_IT() to give interrupt after a few seconds, but even without setting up LPTIM I can't get the micro...
