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I am using STM32F407 Discovery Board and I'm generating my project using MX Cube   I'm doing testing on I2C sensor that is MLX 640 which is used for taking thermal image , so basically we are are reading frames of thermal image via I2C on every 1 sec...
Hi,please help me out!!!I am trying to sort of an array in descending order with the help of test.cpp andexternal user defined header file.STM32F407VGTxAnd it is working properly with STM32F407VGTx dev board main.c ---> STM32F407VGT_TEST/SRC/main.cTE...
Hi All,I am using STM32F407 development board and I am trying to do flash write operation but I am facing problem to erase a sector (I am using Sector no - 11 Block base addresses -0x080E 0000 - 0x080F FFFF size-128 Kbytes ) so that I can perform mul...
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