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STM32F4 cannot reset target

we use STM32F427IIH6,when we download the program the following error occurs:cannot reset target shutting dowm debug session;cannot access memory;internal command error;What causes the failure?see the attachment for further informationthank you!

cmeng.21 by Associate
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RTC smooth digital calibration in STM32F4 with HSE

Hello,I am taking the liberty of writing to you for information on the calibration of the RTC.At present the RTC uses the HSE clock. The HSE clock is derived from a 25MHz quartz and then divided to be at 1MHz. This quartz has a tolerance of 20ppm.The...

Example to access DPM using FMC interface

Hello, this link, I am working for the PROFINET protocol using STM32F7 host and as given example it has worked for SPI interface.However, my requirement is to use FMC interface and ...

AP_040 by Senior
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Rotary encoder turn detection

Hello!I want to use a simple rotary encoder with STM32F429.I programmed the TIM4 timer into 'ENCODERMODE_X4' mode.Is there a way for me to detect the rotation of the rotary knob by interrupt?I don't want to do periodically TIMx->CNT sampling if there...

PTiha by Senior
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Debug uart via virtual com port (STM32F769I-DISCO)

Hello,Somehow I can't get debug uart via virtual port to work. I have followed several youtube videos and and studied user manual for my board that claims that "USART1 is directly available as a virtual COM port of the PC".The system debug is Serial ...

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ALevc.1 by Associate III
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