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Using stm32(Bluepill) as ADC


Hello guys, I am working on a acoustic source localization project. I need to sample the amplified signal from Hydrophone. The acoustic source emits a sound frequency of 42khz. I need to sample this signal at a frequency of 100Khz or even 200khz(if possible) and send these values to single board computer using USB communication for just 2 seconds for every minute. Is it possible? if yes how?

Edit: It is totally fine for me to use parallel ADC IC, microcontrollers read digital inputs faster than analog inputs right?


> Is it possible?

Most (all?) STM32XXX families have an ADC which can sample at above 200 ksps.

> if yes how?

You have to pick and chip and write the code to sample the ADC and do whatever you want to do with it. There are many examples projects in the STM32CubeMX repositories that use the ADC. Here is one of many:

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