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Hi ,I'm working on a code to collect data from a load cell wit HX711 cip. I'm using STM32CubeIDE.I configured GPIO pin 6 as Clock output for the HX711 but when calling HAL_GPIO_WritePin the output pin PA6 does not change.The hardware configuration is...
Hello,I have a simple project. I'm using FreeRTOS and programmed TIM2 1ms interrupt.The TIM2_IRQHandler and PeriodElapsCallback are only called once in the beginning but not after.I set Clock at 64MHz, the PSC is 63999 and Counter period is 9 I expe...
Hello,I'm using STM32CubeIDE to write code for STM32F103C board. Comming back to work on a project that was closed, first main.c file dissapeared. I tried different operations files dissapering one by one, but eventually when I generate code all my f...
I have a simple code I'm using I2C and TIM2 timer interrupt at 100us. Initially I suspected the issue comes from HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback but the code inside this function is really few instructions.In the main.c there are two calls of Error_Ha...
Hello,I setup i2c1 as per below. I am trying to get data from a MPU6050 device on I2C but I got error code 4.On the same hardware I tested using Arduino IDE and I can read data from MPU without problems.Can one support please guide me where should I ...
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