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Forum Posts

Daylight Savings - Fastest Way to Check

To enable/Disable the Daylight Savings to either plus minus or none, whats the most efficient way to do this? I have written a routine that checks for the last Sunday in March and October (I'm UK, not sure if its the same all over?), but it seems ho...

richardh by Associate II
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Hi​My understanding is that possible to use the i2c interface on any GPIO pin. Is this statement correct?​BR Gilberto ​​

GErma.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L1 flash / eeprom programming manual

Hi,I'm looking at replacing a STM32F103 with a STM32F151 in my design and couldn't find the PM0062 referenced in the AN3422 migration application note.Is there some steps I need to go through to get the flash / eeprom programming manual ?from the ANT...

NJona.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F103 32bit resolution capture sync problem

Hi,In my project two 16 bit timers chained together to achieve 32bit capture resolution. TIM3 as master timer and TIM4 as slave timer clocked by TIM3 overflow event (TIM4 works in external clock mode 1). Capture signal is connected to both timers inp...

Resolved! UART Tx low state level

Hello, I am trying to make communicate a NUCLEO STM3F030 with a STM32F030K6T6 mounted on a custom pcb.Tx sends from NUCLEO is ok when i check it on an oscilloscope but when i connect the power supply of my pcb on the NUCLEO (or even on an external p...

JGreg.2 by Associate III
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Downloading last version of the STM32F769I-EVAL Board

Hello,I have a  STM32F769I-EVAL board, where the Firm.Ver is V1.2.0In the package I download, I only have the 1.0.0 Hex version file.Before doing any test and erase the current version, to be able to load back the 1.2 version, I would like to downloa...

ANauz.1 by Senior II
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