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Forum Posts

How to make multiplications faster in STM32G series

Hi,when I took two variables and perform a multiplication between them with the STM32CubeIDE, the multiplication itself its made automatically with the multiplier module in the fastest way or there is something I need to do/configure to make it faste...

DKuro.1 by Associate III
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Proper method to know function under interrupt

Hi,​Currently, I am looking for the method to detect this function is under ISR or not.And I found that there has two snipset code,<Example 1>uint8_t isUnderInterrupt(void){ uint8_t status = THREAD_MODE; if (SCB->ICSR & SCB_ICSR_VECTACTIVE_Msk)  {...

GChen.6 by Associate
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Migrate STM32F765VIT6 to STM32H743VIT6 QSPI Fail

I am migrating from STM32F765VIT6 to STM32H743VIT6But I can't use QSPI with W25Q512, With F765 OK, but with H743 it returns unsupported device.void MX_QUADSPI_Init (void){  hqspi.Instance = QUADSPI;  hqspi.Init.ClockPrescaler = 2;  hqspi.Init.FifoThr...

RDos by Associate II
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Hi, I am using a STM32F7508-DK board and I would like to use the following setup: use only one project instead of building and flashing 2 separate projects, is it possible?

As I said in the description, I would like use only one project instead of using 2 projects and. I've tried to use a single linker file and split it after the build using objcopy to obtain 2 separate binaries for internal and external flash, with no ...

VPope.1 by Associate II
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