User Activity

Is it possible to set transfer from sdram to SPI. I have set all necessary MPU regions and FMC is configured properly. When I use this with LTDC, it works fine.(not using standard DMA for that).But, when I try to send from 0xC0000000 to SPI, DMA1.str...
I am implementing ethernet on bare metal STM32F746-DISCO board. I configured rmii, set the PHY interface and "happily" receiving packaged on the DMA buffer. Problem is that sending doesnt work. Before setting TX descriptor for first package, DMA_SR f...
Is there a way to create user defined IRQ handler type that could be called from NVIC ISPR ? I would like to interrupt execution if some particular software condition is fulfilled..
-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard I am building my project with above options and enabling the FPU unit void System::enableFPU() { SETVALUE(FPUB->CPACR , ((3UL << 10*2) | /* set CP10 Full Access */ ...
I am communicating with a TFT LCD and trying to speed things a little bit. At the moment I dont have DMA library written, so I am using standard SPI mode.I configured the SPI clock as 5Mhz on STM32F407 mcu. My main clock is PLL on 96Mhz. With APB2 = ...